Simple Guide on Individual Voluntary Arrangement - or O

    2025-01-26 06:57

    2.8 Register of IVA The Chairman of the meeting must report the details of the approved IVA including the name, Hong Kong Identity Card Number and address of the debtor, the date on which the IVA is approved by the creditors, and the name and address of the Nominee to the Official Receiver.

    iva hk

    Frequently Asked Questions about Individual Voluntary Arrangement - or O

    A: Under rule 122W of the Bankruptcy Rules, the Official Receiver is required to maintain a register of IVA, which contains the details of the arrangement such as the name, Hong Kong Identity Card number and address of the debtor; the date on which the arrangement was approved by the creditors; the name and address of the nominee, etc. The register is searchable by members of the public.

    Search on Bankruptcy, Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA ...

    Application for the search service can be made online via internet. Online search facility is available at counter area on 10th Floor, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong. For details of the online search service, please visit the website at GovHK. Bankruptcy, IVA and Compulsory Winding-up Search How To Do It. Visit GovHK

    GovHK: Online Search Service on Bankruptcy, Individual Voluntary ...

    Feature article by the Hong Kong Government introducing online search service for bankruptcy and compulsory winding-up records. ... With effect from 1 November 2021, searchers of the IVA register are required to provide their personal information, including name and identification information, and confirm that information obtained from the ...

    個人自願安排 (Iva) — 債務及理財輔導服務

    申請iva的條件. 誠意. 提供詳盡資料, 如所有債務、 收入和支出項目、 有助還款的方法 。 工作和收入. 有穩定的工作和收入, 和提供入息證明。 欠債期. 已還款最少半年, 亦沒有新借的債務。 還款能力和日常開支. 扣除日常開支後, 用三成至五成餘款來還債。

    Individual Voluntary Arrangement | Community Legal Information ... - CLIC

    Individual Voluntary Arrangement. ». II. Individual Voluntary Arrangement. In this section, you can find general information on debtors ' individual voluntary arrangements. In IVAs, individual persons can settle their debts through repayment proposals without declaring bankrupt. 1. If a debtor does not want to be bankrupt, then is there any ...

    Individual Voluntary Arrangements(IVA) - 黃嘉錫律師事務所

    4. Q: What is the fee for IVA? A: The debtor is required to deposit with the Nominee an initial sum of $12,150 to cover the fees, expenses and remuneration to be incurred by the Nominee in connection with the work done by him in respect of the voluntary arrangement. 5. Q: Is the IVA (Personal Voluntary Arrangement Scheme) a loan?

    Iva | Tkcpa

    (1) Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) It is the repayment proposal proposed from a Debtor to Creditors which is accepted by majority of the creditors. The applicant who has no ability to repay all liability or who has been declared bankruptcy can apply for Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA). (2) The Comparison between IVA and Bankruptcy

    Orion Consultants - IVA - What is IVA?

    What is IVA? Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) is a legal and government approved method of resolving debt that would avoids the consequences of bankruptcy. If you owe over HK$100,000 to three or more your creditors and can't afford to meet the repayments then you may be eligible for an IVA. If accepted, up to 100% of your original ...

    Debt: IVA (Individual voluntary arrangement) Personal debt ...

    In March 2002, Yip, Tse & Tang launched a new debt legal service serving the needs of Hong Kong debtors. The service is known as Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) IVA is a statutory alternative to bankruptcy under the laws (Bankruptcy Ordinance). IVA is a debt restructuring scheme and has the benefit of avoiding bankruptcy.

    About Us - 香港個人債務重組顧問有限公司

    Hong Kong Individual Voluntary Arrangement Limited (HKIVA) is a subsidiary of Credit Intelligence Limited, an Australia Stock Exchange Listed Company. ... We provide Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) consultancy services. We have handled more than 8,000 IVA cases since 2002 with a team of qualified professionals including lawyers and ...

    2. 個人自願安排"Iva"有甚麼好處?(附有iva申請程序簡介)

    個人自願安排"IVA"有甚麼好處?. (附有IVA申請程序簡介). 如閣下決定向法庭提交 IVA建議書,應向律師尋求協助。. IVA的優點. IVA屬於閣下與債權人(即債主)的自願性協議,與破產比較,IVA對個人聲譽之影響較低。. 不過,有關記錄仍會被保留在破產管理署及可 ...

    Simple Guide on Bankruptcy - Official Receiver's Office - or O

    Further information about IVA can be obtained from the Official Receiver's Office and other bodies experienced in insolvency matters such as accountants, solicitors, etc. The information concerning bankruptcy and IVA can also be obtained from the website or by fax-on-demand through telephone number 2867 2448.

    Iva 債務重組 - 葉謝鄧律師行 | 過千成功債務紓緩個案 | 律師辦倍安心

    除了破產作為解決欠債問題的一種方式外,還有個人自願安排,亦即是債務重組 IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement)。葉謝鄧律師行一直從事破產、IVA債務重組、DRP債務舒緩服務,曾辦理超過1000宗之多;破產則數以萬件計!但鑑於 IVA 費用高、進度慢、程序麻煩,改為大力推動以DRP債務舒緩計劃方式重組 ...

    Iva 債務重組計劃程序 | Iva 個人自願安排 - Hkdrpa

    所謂的個人自願安排 ( Individual Voluntary Arrangement, IVA ) ,即債務重組計劃,是香港進行債務重組的一種普遍方法,IVA亦是申請「bankruptcy」前可以選擇的一條出路。. 這個IVA個人自願安排方案是根據破產條例6章20條,在本港法例下許可的債項重整方案。. 債務重組 ...

    2. What are the advantages of an IVA?(With a brief procedural ... - CLIC

    The disadvantages of IVA The period of an IVA is usually longer than that of bankruptcy (assuming the bankrupt co-operates fully with the Official Receiver/Trustee). If there is no realistic prospect of an IVA, then you may still have to face a bankruptcy lawsuit (the relevant consequences are listed in the previous section).

    債務重組懶人包:債務重組影響、後果及與破產分別 | MoneySmart

    債務重組(IVA)又稱為個人自願安排(Individual Voluntary Arrangement),申請人需經法庭申請。欠債人申請債務重組是因為無法按照原先與債主制訂的條件償還貸款,所以欠債人希望債主體諒自己的處境,重新制訂一個雙方都可接納的還款方案,例如減息或延長還款年期。

    IVA or bankruptcy? Promise offers you another way out - Debt ...

    IVA, an abbreviation for Individual Voluntary Arrangement, is a debt restructuring scheme. An applicant who fails to pay off debt according to the original repayment terms can appoint an accountant or a lawyer as a nominee to apply to the Court for IVA and negotiate with the creditors for a new repayment plan that is affordable.

    Dealing with Bankruptcy: Benefits of Using the IVA in Hong Kong

    To know more about the Individual Voluntary Arrangement, visit the website of the Official receiver's Office through their page IVA Guide. Other options to avoid bankruptcy in Hong Kong. Apart from the IVA, there are other options that will help you stay away from bankruptcy in Hong Kong. Negotiate with creditors and lenders.

    Iva 債務重組 - 常見問題 Faq | 葉謝鄧律師行 | Iva 債務重組計劃 | 律師辦倍安心

    個人自願安排,亦即是債務重組 IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement),常見問題 FAQ: 為甚麼IVA是一種處理欠債的方法?怎樣知道自己應選擇 IVA,還是破產? IVA債務重組?是否要全部的債權人同意?為什麼要找律師和會計師辦理債務重組IVA?

    IVA HK | 個人自願安排 | IVA 債務重組收費 -

    進行iva hk個人自願安排後,可以立即保住個人信貸聲譽及工作機會,停止財務公司滋擾之餘,也可以立即舒緩心理負擔,減輕財政及心理影響。本中心在業界擁有多年經驗,收費透明,有信心具足夠經驗權衝欠債方及債務人的利益,並制定重新整合建議書。

    What is a Statement of Financial Position and Why is it Important?

    Of the four crucial financial statements used to understand a business's performance, arguably the most important is the statement of financial position. Also known as the balance sheet, this document helps business owners track the performance of their company and is an important benchmark for external stakeholders and regulators who need insight into a company's operations and finances.

    IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement) Personal Debt Restructuring ...

    Up to now, debt relief plan (DRP) has become a more popular choice to debtors to restructure their credit card debts. We have wealthy experience in IVA debt restructuring. Check with DRP.COM.HK : In March 2002, Yip, Tse & Tang launched a new debt legal service serving the needs of Hong Kong debtors. The service is known as Individual Voluntary...

    Iva Hk 個人自願安排 | 債務重組計劃程序收費 - Hkdrpcenter

    經我們申請的債務重組收費視乎節省利息的比率而定。. 我們承諾IVA「不成功,不收費」,絕不浪費閣下的時間。. 我們的專業團隊擁多年IVA HK債務重組及個人自願安排個案經驗,我們會細心評估每位客戶的個人財務狀況,並開展債務重組計劃,陪伴客戶處理整個 ...