白話會計-邦尼blog: 所得稅-2 什麼是遞延所得稅資產/負債?
2025-02-15 05:19所以會計帳上還是要認一個 負債 ,這個負債就是所謂的DTL。. 簡言之,所謂的DTL就是因為各種原因,. 讓本來該繳的稅遞延到以後再支付,. 這個以後要吐回去的金額,. 對公司來說是就是一項"負債" (以後還是要付給國稅局),. 因為跟所得稅相關,所以就叫作遞 ...
中級會計:所得稅會計(IAS12)-遞延所得稅負債 DTL (應課稅之暫時性差異) - YouTube
講義下載:https://reurl.cc/83e6b7(森森會計→中級會計→所得稅)00:00 基本定義03:00 永久性差異(投資收入、罰緩)04:57 暫時性差異 ...
Deferred Tax Liability or Asset - Corporate Finance Institute
How is a Deferred Tax Liability or Asset Created? A deferred tax liability (DTL) or deferred tax asset (DTA) is created when there are temporary differences between book (IFRS, GAAP) tax and actual income tax. There are numerous types of transactions that can create temporary differences between pre-tax book income and taxable income, thus creating deferred tax assets or liabilities.
如何通俗易懂地理解遞延稅項(Deferred Tax)? - GetIt01
1.折舊(depreciable assets)——產生DTL 就美國而言,在會計準則下,一般採用直線折舊法;而在稅務準則下,會採用累積折舊法。所以,一開始tax base下的折舊比accounting base下的折舊多,折舊多,則net income 就少了,net income少了,交的稅就少了,所以折舊一般產生DTL。
Deferred Tax Liability (DTL) | Formula + Calculator - Wall Street Prep
Deferred Tax Liability (DTL) vs. Deferred Tax Asset (DTA) Deferred Tax Liability (DTL) → To reiterate from the earlier section, a deferred tax liability emerges from the company paying less in taxes to the IRS than the tax recorded on its income statement (GAAP) Deferred Tax Asset (DTA) → On the other hand, a deferred tax asset is created when the company pays more in taxes to the IRS than ...
完Q之路(八十一):HKAS 12 所得稅(Income Tax) - 遞延所得稅(Deferred Tax)簡說及例子
一直以來,我也覺得遞延所得稅資產(Deferred Tax Assets)和遞延所得稅負債(Deferred Tax Liabilities)的計算是十分困難。事實上,如果是像我一樣在中小企公司做會計的話,我們這些不常接觸相關計算的會計實在會對之感到很困惑。但是,如果只想對它有基本的了解的話,我想我們也能做得到。
(一)商譽的初始確認中不確認遞延所得稅負債 非同一控制下的企業合併中,因企業合併成本大於合併中取得的被購買方可辨認凈資產公允價值的差額,按照會計準則規定應確認為商譽,但按照稅法規定其計稅基礎為0,兩者之間的差額形成應納稅暫時性差異,準則中規定對其不確認為一項遞延 ...
白話會計-邦尼blog: 所得稅-3「所得稅費用」的拆解與計算
把這17元認列為DTA的增加,並調整減少遞延所得稅費用17元。. 如此一來,邦尼公司今年的. 所得稅費用= 當期所得稅費用 (17元)+遞延所得稅費用 (-17元)=0. 就正確啦~~. 所得稅分錄:. 借:遞延所得稅資產 17 (資產增加17元) 貸: 應付所得稅 17 (負債增加17元) (沒有認列 ...
All about Deferred Tax Asset (DTA) - Learn by Quicko
A deferred tax asset is created when there is a difference between the approach in which a company calculates depreciation on its assets and the method of depreciation calculation as prescribed by the IT Department. For example, a company owns a computer worth INR 50,000 and has a lifespan of 5 years. 30% tax is charged on this machinery.
遞延稅款借項(Deferred Tax Assets,簡稱DTA)遞延稅款借項是資產負債表"資產"欄內的最後一個項目,它反映公司期末尚未轉銷的"遞延稅款"帳戶內遞延所得稅費用的借方餘額。"遞延稅款借項"反映採用納稅影響會計法進行所得稅會計核算的企業,尚未轉銷的遞延稅款金額。
暫時性差異:永久性差異是會計和稅法一邊認、另一邊不認,產生的差異不會隨時間而改變,暫時性差異是會計和稅法都認可這筆收入或費用,只是認定時間點不同。 通常暫時性差異會呈現為財務報表上的「遞延所得稅資產或負債」,稍後再作介紹。
遞延所得稅資產的會計處理. 一、本科目核算企業根據 所得稅 準則確認的可抵扣暫時性差異產生的所得稅資產。. 根據稅法規定可用以後年度稅前利潤彌補的虧損產生的所得稅資產,也在本科目核算。. 二、本科目應當按照可抵扣暫時性差異等項目進行明細核算 ...
-與同期或不同期直接認列於權益之項目(如會計政策變 動追溯調整、錯誤更正、複合工具之權益組成部分等) 有關之當期所得稅及遞延所得稅應直接認列於權益。 30 2.認列於損益之外之項目