PDF Financial Results - Kintetsu World Express

    2025-02-09 19:29

    Financial Results. May 12, 2022. Kintetsu World Express, Inc. Financial Results. FY Ended March 2022 (April 1, 2021 - March 31, 2022) Summary of Business Results for FY Ended March 2022 Earnings Forecasts for FY Ending March 2023 02 Financial Summary. 03 Year over Year Comparisons of Net Sales, Cost of Sales, and SGA Expenses.

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    Financial Highlights & Segment Information - Kintetsu World Express

    Japan The Americas Europe, Middle East & Africa East Asia & Oceania Southeast Asia APLL Other Unallocated Total; Mar. 2022; Net Sales: 244,073: 107,880: 60,479: 227,326

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    CHINA & HONG KONG - Kintetsu World Express (HK) Ltd.

    Kintetsu World Express (HK) Ltd. 17/F, Rykadan Capital Tower, 135 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong S.A.R., P.R.China Phone: 852-2796-1176


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    SINGAPORE - About | Kintetsu World Express

    KWE-Kintetsu World Express (S) Pte Ltd. 20 Changi South Avenue 2, Singapore 486547. Phone: 65-6542-7778. Fax: 65-6545-6008. SINGAPORE Office Search.

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