香港律師行 | The Law Society of Hong Kong
2024-09-17 17:17詐騙警報:律師會不時收到關於在虛假的律師行信箋使用偽造的律師行或律師/外地律師的資料,或發放虛假聯繫方式的詐騙網站、電子郵件或其他通訊手段的報告。. 這些詐騙報告的列表可以在律師會的 詐騙警報網頁 上找到。. 以下為香港律師行的名單:-. 在 ...
何敦律師行 - A top-rated award-winning Hong Kong Law Firm - Haldanes
With over 45 years of hard-earned experience as a law firm, our lawyers have become synonymous in Hong Kong and Asia with top-rated legal advice 跳至主要內容 緊急聯絡電話熱線 +852 9763 5524
香港律師行指南 | The Law Society of Hong Kong
Find Lawyer in HK 香港律師目錄 香港律師行 為什麼要使用香港律師目錄? 查詢律師資訊省時、省力 我們提供詳細的律師和律師樓資訊,協助你更快更容易搜尋相關律師資料。 收錄服務完全免費 收錄全港律師網站,商戶亦可自由免費登錄網站,增加曝光機會, 發掘更多商機。 法律知識 重要聲明: 本網站 ...
Home | The Law Society of Hong Kong
The Law Society of Hong Kong is a professional association for solicitors in Hong Kong vested with statutory powers to regulate the professional conduct of solicitors, trainee solicitors and foreign lawyers. It was incorporated in 1907 as a company limited by guarantee.
香港律师行指南 | The Law Society of Hong Kong
Sun Lawyers LLP | 司徒維新律師行有限法律責任合夥
最近新聞. 司徒維新律師行有限法律責任合夥(英文原名為 W.S. Szeto & Lee Solicitors,現稱 Sun Lawyers LLP)成立於2003年,並於2017年6月10日轉為有限法律責任合夥,是一家以香港為基地的中型律師事務所。. 我們的理念是以務實態度來提供優質的服務並發展長期的客戶 ...
Gall Solicitors | Award Winning Law Firm in Hong Kong
Gall is a leading independent Hong Kong law firm focusing primarily on dispute resolution. We specialise in handling highly complex disputes, many of which involve multi-jurisdictional litigation. Our partners all come from international firms and have practiced in Hong Kong or overseas for many years. They have a wealth of experience in a wide variety
梁 堅 律 師 行 是一所植根於香港的律師行。. 本行致力為各界提供專業法律意見及服務。. 本行規模完善為客人提供既全面及個人化的法律服務,與客戶建立良好及長遠的合作關係。. 本行的律師團隊致力為客戶提供專業而合乎效益的法律服務。. 本行擁有超過30 ...
請注意,本所唯一的官方網站是: . 詐騙網站可能會試圖騙取閣下的個人或財務資料。如閣下收到任何看似來自本所的電郵或訊息,請保持警覺,切勿點擊任何可疑的鏈接或在可疑網站提供任何個人資料。 如有任何疑問,請與本所聯絡。 敬希 ...
ONC 柯伍陈律师事务所建基于香港,是一间专业而有活力的律师事务所. 自 1992 年成立至今,我们不断发展,现已成为最大的本地律师事务所之一,拥有超过 130 名具备法律资格的律师及 后援员工 。. 本所是 International Society of Primerus Law Firms 的会员,该会是全球最优秀律师事务所的国际网络。
Vitus Lawyers. Rm 901-902, 9/F, The Chinese Bank Building, 61 - 65 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong. (852) 3607 0688. (852) 2983 8818.
Haldanes - A top-rated award-winning Hong Kong Law Firm
With over 45 years of hard-earned experience as a law firm, our lawyers are synonymous in Hong Kong and Asia with top-rated legal advice. Skip to content. Emergency helpline +852 9763 5524. Practice Areas. Antitrust and Competition Law; Civil Litigation & Dispute Resolution;
主頁 | The Law Society of Hong Kong
The Law Society of Hong Kong is a professional association for solicitors in Hong Kong vested with statutory powers to regulate the professional conduct of solicitors, trainee solicitors and foreign lawyers. It was incorporated in 1907 as a company limited by guarantee.
Home - 香港律師協會官網 - HK Lawyers Association
香港律師協會宗旨: 增強香港乃至大中華區律師業界專業性&凝聚力,法律服務支援香港經濟發展與和大中華區諧社會建設;促進兩岸四地法律界友誼、聯繫,國際合作與交流;推動大中華法律服務業務之質素;擁護黨的領導,促進祖國統一,造福香港社會. PR@HKBar ...
Home | Hong Kong Lawyer. 專訪普 惠避免及解決爭議辦公室主任丁國榮博士. 丁國榮博士是律政司普惠避免及解決爭議辦公室主任。. 他在 12 月與《香港律師》暢談他的法律背景、令他最近榮獲行政長官公共服務獎狀的工作,以及該辦公室與香港法律聲譽之間的關係 ...
按規模排列的香港律師事務所列表 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
按事務所規模排名. 本列表列出56間在香港設有辦公室的國際或本地律師事務所 [4] 。. 目前大約有2875名律師任職於下列排名頭30位的律師事務所,當中包括766名合伙人和1848名受僱律師 [4] 。. 列表是根據律師事務所的受僱律師人數而非營利金額來進行排名,而 大 ...
香港的兩制律師 - 律師(Solicitor)與大律師(Barrister/Counsel) | Sun Lawyers LLP
在營運模式上,律師與大律師有截然不同的差別。. 首先,律師受香港律師會 (Law Society) 監管,而大律師的法定監管機構是香港大律師公會 (Bar Association)。. 這兩個監管機構有不同的制度和規則。. 其次,律師大多在某律師事務所/行 (law firm)以受薪、合夥或獨資的 ...
常見問題. 香港評價最高的律師樓有哪些? 香港評價最高的律師樓包括傅德楨律師行, 黃向烈律師行, RPC, 吳伯仲律師行, YTL LLP等等。. 中環有甚麼律師樓? 位於中環的律師樓包括鍾錦棠大律師, 張世偉律師, 潘英賢大律師, 添訊移民, 週佩芳律師, 梁浩翹大律師, Perun Consultants Limited, 高大偉大律師, 文浩 ...
聯絡我們. 關於本所. LT Lawyers成立於2015年,是一家獨立自主的律所,既扎根香港,又有國際經驗及視野,成員皆能熟練運用英文、粵語及普通話,竭力為客戶提供多項專業法律服務,包括爭端解決、非訴項目以及企業合規調查等領域。. 在解決跨境商事爭端方面 ...
關於律師會 | The Law Society of Hong Kong
Cookies on We employ cookies to improve user experience. By accessing the website of The Law Society of Hong Kong, you will be providing your consent to our use of cookies. I accept cookies from this site . 香港律師會是香港律師的專業團體,於1907年註冊為擔保有限公司。.
香港中律協新聞稿 - 強烈譴責美國議員恐嚇香港政府官員和司法人員 支持香港捍衛國家安全、司法獨立... 香港中律協 Year End Party 2023... 香港中律協新聞稿 - 全力支持行政長官2023年施政報告 發揮香港普通法的獨特優勢和作用... 香港中律協會訊-現有會員續繳年費 ...
Exclusive: US law firm Dechert considering shuttering offices in Hong ...
U.S.-founded law firm Dechert is considering closing its offices in Hong Kong and Beijing, becoming the latest foreign firm to scale back in Greater China, two people said, amid a prolonged ...
Hong Kong commercial law hub allure damaged by foreign judges row ...
HONG KONG, July 2 (Reuters) - The resignations of two British judges from China-ruled Hong Kong's highest court not only raise concerns about the rule of law, some lawyers and experts say, but ...
Hong Kong man gets 4 months in jail after admitting splashing water on ...
A Hong Kong construction worker was on Tuesday sentenced to four months in jail after he told a court stress and psychological problems led him to attack two teenage girls and a woman by splashing ...
City U Law School . Hong Kong Law Society . Gov. HKSAR. Macau SAR. China. Taiwan . SCMP. WallStreet Journal Mgt Mgt Domain-NS. Newspaper. Apple. Oriental. Economic . People Daily. China Times . Washington Post Useful Sites Hong Kong Map 屯門裁判法院 網 上 查 . Banks Hang Seng Bank
How China Is Reshaping Hong Kong -
Four years after Beijing imposed a national security law on the city, Hong Kong continues to serve as an important financial hub connecting mainland China with the rest of the world. But beneath ...
U.S. law firm Dechert considering shuttering offices in Hong Kong ...
Dechert is the latest firm to consider closing its offices in Hong Kong and Beijing, amid a prolonged capital market downturn and growing Sino-U.S. tensions.
Hong Kong court edges closer to sentencing democracy activists involved ...
1 of 3 | . FILE - Former law professor Benny Tai, a key figure in Hong Kong's 2014 Occupy Central protests and also was one of the main organizers of the primaries, who was arrested under Hong Kong's national security law, gives the thumbs up as he is escorted by Correctional Services officers in Hong Kong March 2, 2021.
Hong Kong and Australian authorities arrest 2 over drugs smuggled in ...
Authorities jointly crack down on syndicate, arresting boy, 17, in Perth and man, 37, in Hong Kong, over nearly 20kg of drugs, mostly Ice.