律政司 - 招聘 - 法律專業人員的就業機會 - 政府 ... - DoJ
2024-12-05 09:02如有查詢,請致電3703 6536或3703 6550與行政主任(人事)5或高級文書主任(人事)2聯絡。你亦可透過電郵(電郵地址:[email protected])或郵寄方式(地址:香港中環下亞厘畢道18號律政中心中座地下)聯絡律政司招聘小組。
律政司 - 招聘 - 見習律政人員計劃見習律政人員空缺 - DoJ
由2023年8月1日起,見習律政人員計劃將有若干見習律政人員空缺。. 香港特別行政區永久性居民,如具備下列資格,均可申請。. 就這項計劃而言,接受律師事務實習訓練的人員稱為見習律師,而接受大律師事務實習訓練的人員則稱為見習大律師。. 申請資格 ...
如有查詢,請致電3703 6535或3703 6563與律政司行政主任(人事)4或文書主任(訓練)聯絡,或透過電郵聯絡訓練組:[email protected]。 返回
Careers | Careers - United States Department of Justice
Careers. The Department of Justice (DOJ) leads the nation in ensuring the protection of all Americans while preserving their constitutional freedoms. As a Justice employee you'll be a member of a team where you can achieve your career goals and apply your skills and talents to our important mission. Read DOJ's Equal Employment Opportunity Policy.
U.S. Attorneys | Salary Information - United States Department of Justice
Example: A newly hired Assistant United States Attorney with 5 years and 10 months of professional attorney experience is initially hired at grade AD-25. Initial salary may be set at any point in the recruitment range (between the minimum and the Q4 pay rate). Initial pay setting practices vary between United States Attorneys' offices.
Department of Justice | Agencies | United States Department of Justice
The Department of Justice is the world's largest law office, employing more than 9,200 attorneys. OARM exercises delegated authority to take final action in matters pertaining to the employment, separation and general administration of Department attorneys and law students in grades GS-15 (or equivalent) and below: it recruits, appoints, and ...
United States Department of Justice - Wikipedia
The United States Department of Justice (DOJ), also known as the Justice Department, is a federal executive department of the United States government tasked with the enforcement of federal law and administration of justice in the United States. It is equivalent to the justice or interior ministries of other countries. The department is headed by the U.S. attorney general, who reports directly ...
Department of Justice (Hong Kong) - Wikipedia
The Department of Justice ( DoJ ), is the department responsible for the laws of Hong Kong headed by the Secretary for Justice. Before 1997, the names of the department and the position was the Legal Department ( 律政署) and Attorney General ( 律政司) respectively. The Department of Justice provides legal advice to other departments in ...
但DoJ 兩年就有得acting SGC, 又追返magic circle 人工,但放7點鐘 有啲US firm 過7-8年就逼你升consultant, 到時無生意又係煩,轉去in-house 又唔一定高人工過DoJ 日日放7點,假期永無ot, 月月袋十幾萬到65歲 題外話,都見過DoJ 出返嚟做到ifirm dispute resolution. 愛囡囡協會會長2022 ...
律師人工年薪百萬「小兒科」? | Indeed.com 香港
根據 律政司網站 上的資料,政府律師的入職薪酬為 總薪級表 的第32點,即每月70,465港元,之後最多可升至第44點,即每月110,170港元。. 根據該網站資料,政府律師一般可在幾年內升上高級政府律師,人工就更加不得了。. 高級政府律師人工在總薪級表第45至49點 ...
Department of Justice - Recruitment - Legal Trainee Scheme - DoJ
The advertisement will also be posted on the website of the Department of Justice. The applications for the Legal Trainee Scheme (2025 Intake) and Legal Trainee Scheme [2026 Intake (early trawl candidates)] ended on 28 March 2024. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend interview(s) in July. Successful applicants are generally expected ...
Department of Justice | Homepage | United States Department of Justice
Official website of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). DOJ's mission is to enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and to ensure fair and impartial ...
根據律政司網站上的資料,政府律師的入職薪酬為總薪級表的第32點,即每月70,465港元,之後最多可升至第44點,即每月110,170港元。. 根據該網站資料,政府律師一般可在幾年內升上高級政府律師,人工就更加不得了。. 高級政府律師人工在總薪級表第45至49點 ...
法律顧問人工上天?必須身懷「特異功能」 | Indeed.com 香港
法律顧問要求對法律滾瓜爛熟,所以學歷要求很高,而且是非常專業的工作,人工肯定不會低。. 根據 Indeed網站 上的資料顯示,法律顧問人工平均每月接近70,000港元,但這很視乎工作的機構和職級而定。. 法律顧問一般都是執業律師,而且經驗豐富,屬於比較 ...
2024年06月04日 律政司副司長在亞非法協香港區域仲裁中心正式營運二周年誌慶儀式致辭 詳情. 2024年05月30日 律政司司長在2024投資法暨國際投資爭端調解技巧培訓課程致辭 詳情. 2024年05月28日 律政司與重慶市司法局簽署法律服務合作框架安排(附圖) 詳情. 2023年07 ...
Legal Secretary人工與入職必備條件 | Indeed.com 香港
Legal secretary(法律秘書)人工有多少?入職有什麼要求和必備條件?相信這些問題的答案,都是有意入行的畢業生和想轉職的打工仔想知的,本文會告訴您這些資料,讓您對這個職位了解更多更深入。
United States Department of Justice
Attorney General Merrick B. Garland Announces Appointment of David Neal as Director of the Executive Office for Immigration Review. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland today announced the appointment of David L. Neal as the Director of the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) at the Department of... September 24, 2021.
Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms
Eastern District of Pennsylvania | Employment
The United States is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The U.S. Attorney's Office's Voluntary Self-Identification Form can be found. here. Our Commitment to Diversity. The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania is stronger and more effective when it reflects the vibrant diversity of our Nation and District.
About DOJ - United States Department of Justice
Organization. Under the leadership of the Attorney General of the United States, the Justice Department is composed of more than 40 separate component organizations and more than 115,000 employees. Headquartered at the Robert F. Kennedy Building in Washington, D.C., the Department maintains field offices in all states and territories across the ...
Eastern District of Pennsylvania | Eastern ... - Department of Justice
Contact. Philadelphia: (215) 861-8200. Fax: (215) 861-8618. Email USAO-EDPA. Photo Courtesy of Al Dia News. With Philadelphia assigned as one of ten regional centers for federal agencies, federal resources within the District are abundant. As one of the Nation's largest, the District Court has 37 sitting judges, 5 bankruptcy court judges and 11 ...
Executive Office for Immigration Review - Department of Justice
An official website of the United States government. Here's how you know