Citron's Left: Evergrande has been insolvent for years

    2024-09-27 23:28

    Citron Research Founder Andrew Left joins the Halftime Report to discuss Evergrande's crisis in China. He discusses the potential implications for the company's employees in China and what he ...


    Citron Research founder banned from Hong Kong trading on China ...

    The founder of Citron Research was fined HK$1.6 million ($204,580) and hit with a five-year trading ban from a city tribunal in 2016 for questioning the financial soundness of China Evergrande ...

    恆大危機:許家印涉罪被查 上百萬套「爛尾樓」怎麼辦? - BBC News 中文

    恆大創立於1996年,從廣州開始逐步輻射全國,並且橫跨汽車、金融、文旅、健康、消費等多個領域。許家印在2017年成為中國首富,恆大市值和 ...

    Hong Kong tribunal finds short seller Citron culpable of misconduct ...

    HONG KONG (Reuters) - U.S.-based short-seller Citron Research was culpable of market misconduct with the publication of a research report in June 2012, a Hong Kong tribunal said on Friday, in a ...

    Why Citron Case Leaves Hong Kong Investors Squeezed - WSJ

    Why Citron Case Leaves Hong Kong Investors Squeezed. By . Jacky Wong. Aug. 26, 2016 7:04 am ET. Share. Resize. Investor Andrew Left is interviewed at his home in Beverly Hills Calif., March 13, 2014.

    GameStop升勢似non-stop 空軍Melvin Capital及Citron認輸 - 香港01

    不過Gabe Plotkin指出,有關公司破產的消息並不正確。 Andrew Left﹕已平倉. Andrew Left在日前已宣布不再對Game Stop評論,其後在Youtube上指出,當Game Stop股價處於90美元時,已平淡倉,損失100%。 沽空GameStop令到一眾看淡該公司的基金公司或投資者損失多少?

    投資專家10年前已警告恆大債務隱憂 卻遭香港禁止交易 - MoneyDJ理財網

    投資專家10年前已警告恆大債務隱憂 卻遭香港禁止交易. 《商業內幕》(Business Insider)報導,中國第二大房地產開發商恆大集團(Evergrande)瀕臨破產 ...

    China Evergrande : Hong Kong tribunal finds short seller Citron ...

    HONG KONG (Reuters) - U.S.-based short-seller Citron Research was culpable of market misconduct with the publication of a research report in June 2012, a Hong Kong tribunal said on Friday, in a ruling that could redefine the boundaries of company research reports.

    Citron Research Case - Deacons - Law Firm - Hong Kong

    Citron Research had an easily ascertainable, somewhat unnerving, reputation, the Tribunal said, and the Report was a substantial document, filled with data, graphs, lists and the like. The allegations contained in it were direct and combative and of utmost seriousness and, whether on more careful analysis, it proved to have no substance, it ...

    Citron Research Case - Landmark Decision on Dissemination of ... - Lexology

    Citron Research had an easily ascertainable, somewhat unnerving, reputation, the Tribunal said, and the Report was a substantial document, filled with data, graphs, lists and the like. The ...

    Citron Research Case - Landmark Decision on Dissemination ... - Deacons

    Citron Research had an easily ascertainable, somewhat unnerving, reputation, the Tribunal said, and the Report was a substantial document, filled with data, graphs, lists and the like. The allegations contained in it were direct and combative and of utmost seriousness and, whether on more careful analysis, it proved to have no substance, it ...

    恆大被勒令清盤,接下來會發生什麼 - 紐約時報中文網


    Chinese property firm denies insolvency allegation - BBC News

    Evergrande, which is based in the Chinese city of Guangzhou and listed in Hong Kong, said the report by US investment firm Citron Research was "untrue". The property group focuses on mid-range and ...

    如果Citron同short seller破產, 邊個賣單? | LIHKG 討論區

    真心,如果所有short seller一齊破產,冇人肯還錢,咁short squeeze跟本唔會發生,冇理由要借貨公司還,如果真係要借貨公司還,咁唔洗問一定會做成金融海嘯. 如果Citron同short seller破產, 邊個賣單? ...

    如果Citron同short seller破產, 邊個賣單? | LIHKG 討論區

    好簡單 沽完一次 貨係散戶手 再問散戶借 又沽一次. 教水2021-01-27 11:21:41. 所以咪有棍囉,晚晚都有㗎啦,SH就得,唔洗理,佢地爆鳩硬. 世界末日呀2021-01-27 11:24:58. 破產都要履行合約責任要平倉 邊間借股俾佢沽空 嗰間賴嘢. 世界末日呀2021-01-27 11:34:41. 有 等於你向 ...

    如果Citron同short seller破產, 邊個賣單? | LIHKG 討論區

    全部hedge fund要破產都未到broker bank係too big to fail但係hf唔係 如果最後真係搞到D market maker咪搵政府bail out 安德伍元菱 2021-01-27 09:51:51 short seller本身要擺左錢(保證金)先借到貨,通常個比例係1:1 (以家應該更誇張),每日updated入錢補倉。

    Citron Reaps 155% Gain as Short-Seller Left Goes Long on Amazon

    In this Article. Short-seller Citron Capital generated a net return of 155% and a gross return of 202% in 2020 as bets on work-from-home stocks paid off, the fund's managing partner Andrew Left ...

    公司的最後一哩路(二)——公司沒錢可以破產嗎?破產程序如何進行?|法律百科 Legispedia


    如果Citron同short seller破產, 邊個賣單? | LIHKG 討論區

    其實如果係最傳統嗰隻借貨畀佢賣 個莊最多都係收唔返隻正股 如果個莊無對沖 其實short seller還到幾多 個莊都係淨賺 但呢個case應該無乜機會 但如果個莊係用衍生工具對沖 咁佢就要賠畀下一家啦 正常咁大條數係應該安排好分階段斬倉嘅 所以個價先會不斷推上去 ...

    破产 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

    破产 (英语: Bankruptcy ),是一种宣告 债务人 无力偿付 债务 及其后的一系列还款予 债权人 过程的 法律 程序。. 在法律用语上,破产与倒产不同,前者专指将事业结束,将债务人的全部财产变卖并分配给所有债权人的清算程序;后者则广义地包括清算程序 ...

    被頒令破產 公司清盤 潘蘇通上訴遭駁回 - 東方日報

    近年屢傳財困、前高銀金融主席潘蘇通,2022年因其全資持有的Silver Starlight Limited(下稱「公司」)未有清還80億元貸款,被高院原訟庭頒令破產,公司亦遭下令清盤。早前潘就破產令及清盤令,及原訟庭拒絕他要求押後審理破產案的決定申請上訴。上訴庭昨日頒判詞,認為原審法官沒有犯錯,一併 ...

    破產法 (中華民國) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

    概要. 中華民國現行破產法,為1935年在中國大陸所制定,《破產法》全文共159條,包括了和解程序與破產程序。 和解程序是召集所有債權人開會,與破產人即債務人達成還錢的協議。 協議達成後,即便未參與協議之債權人,也受到該協議之拘束。例如協議結果為債務人應分2年清償所有債權之60%,則 ...

    剛破產又出現瑕疵 Fisker將召回美歐1.2萬輛電動車 - 自由財經

    美國電動車新創公司Fisker因長年飽受虧損於6月17日申請破產保護。(歐新社) 吳孟峰/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕曾被譽為「汽車界的蘋果」、「特斯拉殺手」的美國電動車新創Fisker,近年飽受虧損及現金短缺所苦,於6月17日正式申請破產,沒想到禍不單行,近日又因汽車零件故障,宣布在 ...

    謝國樑剉咧等!罷免連署逾4萬份 基隆人施政反應曝「公子哥亂花錢」

    公民團體「山海公民拆樑行動」發起罷免基隆市長謝國樑,已經收到破4萬份連署書,遠遠超過第二階段至少需3萬792人連署,不過連署行動仍未停止 ...

    Gme 75 | Lihkg 討論區

    如果Citron 破產, 唔買貨cover short position, 咁借股出去啲人點算? 北極企鵝 2021-01-29 19:51:40 琴晚1點幾應該係75個po以黎最團結 依家一開pre market 又成班伸手黨係度問