Fong Yan Hon Enoch | Harcourt Chambers

    2025-01-26 15:27

    方恩瀚 大律師. CALL | 2022 TEL | 2801 7338 TEL | 9348 9912 FAX | 2801 6229 EMAIL | [email protected] Enoch Fong. 方恩瀚 大律師. Enoch obtained his LLB ranking first in class and PCLL with Dean's List with Distinction, both from City University of Hong Kong. He trained as a litigation solicitor with emphasis on personal injuries ...

    pcll 大律師

    香港大律師公會 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

    香港法律相關科系學生須完成一個法學基本學位:主要為法學士、法律博士或專業共同考試(C.P.E.,Common Professional Examination),然後修畢由香港中文大學、香港城市大學或者香港大學舉辦之法律深造證書(英文:Postgraduate Certificate in Laws,縮寫:PCLL),學期為期 ...

    Postgraduate Certificate in Laws - University of Hong Kong

    Programme Entrance Requirements. To be eligible for admission to the PCLL programme at the University of Hong Kong, an applicant: 1. shall at least hold a degree of Bachelor of Laws (LLB), Juris Doctor (JD) or equivalent, or pass the CPE examinations or equivalent, from a university or comparable institution, or pass the Advanced Diploma for ...

    The PCLL | Department of Profes

    The PCLL is a professional legal education programme offered by the Department of Professional Legal Education at the University of Hong Kong. It prepares graduates for entry into the legal profession as barristers or solicitors in Hong Kong. The PCLL is available in both full-time and part-time modes, with a flexible curriculum that covers both core and elective subjects. Find out more about ...

    Postgraduate Certificate in Laws - Wikipedia

    The Postgraduate Certificate in Laws (PCLL; Chinese: 法學專業證書; Jyutping: faat3 hok6 zyun1 jip6 zing3 syu1) is an intensive one-year, full-time (or two-year, part-time) professional legal qualification programme in Hong Kong. It allows graduates to proceed to legal training in order to qualify to practice as either a barrister or a solicitor in Hong Kong.

    香港大律师公会 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

    2008年起,申请人持非香港法律学历(包括由香港本地院校举办之海外学历课程),均须于申请PCLL前完成一年制之转制课程(Conversion Programme)。 完成PCLL后,须以 学徒 身份 实习 (俗称"跟师傅")一年方可注册,但拥有半年经验之学徒在法庭上亦可有有限发言 ...

    最佳銜接pcll課程 - 香港大學專業進修學院 - Hkuspace

    此課程亦是唯一的pcll銜接課程可讓您的法律相關工作經驗計入學分,並使您能擁有法律行政人員及律師雙專業名銜的唯一途徑,是升讀pcll的可靠途徑。 很多學生會選擇另一非常受歡迎的通往pcll途徑,就是報讀倫敦大學法律學士學位試課程從而取得進入pcll的 ...

    Alex Fan Hoi Kit, Barrister-at-law

    范凱傑 大律師. Alex Fan Hoi Kit, Barrister-at-law. Mr. Alex Fan obtained his Bachelor of Business Administration (Law) and Bachelor of Laws from the University of Hong Kong, where he was awarded Baker & McKenzie Prize in Company Law and Helen A. Lo Prize in Principles of Family Law. He then pursued postgraduate studies at King's College ...

    Timothy Lam - 貝納祺大律師辦事處

    大律師. 仲裁司. 調解員 ... PCLL, University of Hong Kong (2014) Scholarship & Award. Academic Exhibition Award; Selected Cases. Leung Yee Lin v Fine Bright Development Limited & Ors, HCLA 5/2022 (on appeal from LBTC 2718/2019) - advised and acted for the defendant companies in respect of an appeal against a decision of the Labour ...

    Noel Chan - 貝納祺大律師辦事處

    PCLL, CUHK (2016-2017) LLM, Distinction, UCL (2017-2018) Scholarship & Award. Dean's List (2013-2014) College Head's List Nominee (2013-2014) Chinese Christian Universities Alumni Association Scholarship (2014) ... 邱浚峯 大律師. Our founder, Brook Bernacchi OBE, QC, JP began practising in 1946 and set up what is now the oldest set of ...

    PCLL攻略及另一出路 持學位轉戰法律界 | DSE | 進修生活

    入讀pcll的競爭更是相當激烈,在僧多粥少的情況下,據立法會的數據顯示,2012年有1,522人次報讀本地三所大學的pcll,最終只有628人被取錄,成功率只有41%。bpp大學每年均有學生考入pcll,當中以香港大學pcll為多。 有學位但想轉戰法律界?想提升入讀pcll的機會?

    香港法律专业pcll项目最全攻略(硕士) - 豆瓣

    什么是PCLL? "法律专业资格证书",英文Postgraduate Certificate in Laws,简称PCLL,是香港特有的一种课程,为法学院学生进入律师行业之前原则上必须修读的一个专业技能培训项目。 香港没有如大陆法系和美国的司法考试或律师职业资格考试。 香港的法学院学生只有或录取修读这一年全日制的PCLL项目 ...

    Victor K. T. Lui - 贝纳祺大律师办事处

    Victor obtained his LLB and PCLL from the City University of Hong Kong. During his LLB studies, he was awarded various scholarships and graduated first in class. Later, he obtained an MSc in Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Oxford with distinction in Sentencing. Before coming to the Bar, Victor also had the opportunity to ...

    Chan Hei Ching Jacky | Harcourt Chambers

    EDUCATION Master in EU Competition Law, King's College London (2018) PCLL, the University of Hong Kong (2009) LLB (Hons), the University of Hong Kong (2008) BEng (Civil) (Hons), the University of Hong Kong (2006). PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Fellow, Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Panel of Arbitrators, Hong Kong Bar Association Panel of Counsel ...


    從學歷要求來看,其實兩者相差無幾,同樣要完成四年制的法律學士(LLB)或其他同等法律專業課程為期一年的法學專業證書課程(PCLL),唯一不同的是,前者經過一年實習期就可成為「訟務律師」;若想成為「事務律師」,則要經過為期兩年的「實習律師 ...

    熊雪如 大律師 | Liberty Chambers | Barristers Chambers Hong Kong

    熊雪如 大律師. 電郵: [email protected]. 熊雪如大律師的執業範疇包括刑事和民事,尤其專注及擅長於處理刑事訴訟方面的案件。. 在執業之前,熊大律師曾於本港一知名事務律師行出任法律助理一職,因此對所有範疇的刑事訴訟程序有深厚的認識和實制的 ...

    法學士 | Admissions Office, the Registry

    港大 pcll 歡迎來自港大、其他香港認可大學及類似機構的法學士畢業生、或持有其他獲 pcll 提供者認可的法律機構所發出的資格而符合核心科目要求人士報讀。由於申請者眾,競爭十分激烈,遴選條件包括申請人首個法律學位的學校及成績。

    Dr. Christopher To - Gilt Chambers

    Christopher holds qualifications in computing, engineering and law. He is an accredited mediator, chartered arbitrator, chartered engineer, chartered information technology professional, professor (adjunct) and a barrister-at-law. Christopher is a recognised authority on alternative dispute resolution techniques and has represented clients in ...

    LLB 大律師 Barrister 收入

    PCLL Conversion Exam Expert 90% Passing rate & exam based notes. FREE PCLL CONVERSION NOTES DOWNLOAD. Contact: [email protected]. 2018 Students' Result. Home. Free Conversion Notes. PCLL Application Strategy; PCLL Admission Guide. ... LLB 大律師 Barrister 收入 ...

    Paul K. L. Chan | Harcourt Chambers

    陳健樂 大律師. CALL | 2014 LANGUAGE | English, Putonghua, Cantonese TEL | 2801 7338 FAX | 2801 6229 EMAIL | [email protected] ... Manchester Metropolitan University PCLL & LL.M. (with Distinction) - University of Hong Kong. PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION HK Accredited General and Family Mediator ...

    Donald Ting - 貝納祺大律師辦事處

    Donald joined Chambers after serving pupillage with Mr Hectar Pun SC, Mr Steven Kwan, Mr Kamlesh Sadhwani, Mr Eric Leung and Mr Richard Yip. He graduated from the University of Hong Kong, where he obtained his LLB (First Class Honours) and PCLL (Distinction). During his studies, he received various scholarships and awards, including the Sir Oswald Cheung Memorial Fund PCLL Scholarship for ...

    Velda Yau - 貝納祺大律師辦事處 - Bernacchi Chambers

    PCLL, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; JD, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; BA War Studies and Philosophy, King's College London; Scholarship & Award. Charles Ching Memorial Scholarship (2022) Dean's List (2019-2020) ... 黃曉彤 大律師. Our founder, Brook Bernacchi OBE, QC, JP began practising in 1946 and set up what is now the ...

    Joey Chan | Harcourt Chambers

    EDUCATION LL.B. (Hons), The University of Hong Kong PCLL, The University of Hong Kong. AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIPS HKU Foundation Scholarship for Outstanding Students Best Individual Performance (Heat), HKIAC "Doing International Arbitration in Chinese" Competition. SELECTED CASES Civil cases Zee Margaret v Wong Tseng Hon [2022] HKCA 242, [2021] HKCFI 59, [2019] 2 HKLRD 353 - as junior ...