Reynolds Porter Chamberlain - Wikipedia

    2024-09-27 15:25

    RPC (Reynolds Porter Chamberlain LLP) is an international law firm headquartered in London, United Kingdom with offices in Hong Kong, Singapore and Bristol. RPC employs around 1,100 people across its four international offices - including 137 Partners and over 500 lawyers. The firm is managed by a Partnership Executive Committee led by the Managing Partner, currently James Miller.

    rpc 律師

    RPC | HK Lawyers 香港律師網

    常見問題. RPC怎麼去? RPC的地址為38/F, One Taikoo Place, 979 King's Rd, Quarry Bay。 RPC的電話號碼幾號? RPC的電話號碼是+852 2216 7000。

    Home | The Law Society of Hong Kong

    The Law Society of Hong Kong is a professional association for solicitors in Hong Kong vested with statutory powers to regulate the professional conduct of solicitors, trainee solicitors and foreign lawyers. It was incorporated in 1907 as a company limited by guarantee.

    主頁 | The Law Society of Hong Kong

    The Law Society of Hong Kong is a professional association for solicitors in Hong Kong vested with statutory powers to regulate the professional conduct of solicitors, trainee solicitors and foreign lawyers. It was incorporated in 1907 as a company limited by guarantee.

    Members with Practising Certificate - Law Society of Hong Kong

    Members with Practising Certificate. Solicitors listed under this section hold current practising certificates and are current members of the Law Society. For the names of all solicitors admitted by the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (or the Supreme Court of Hong Kong before 1997), reference should be made to the Roll ...

    按規模排列的香港律師事務所列表 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

    按事務所規模排名. 本列表列出56間在香港設有辦公室的國際或本地律師事務所 [4] 。. 目前大約有2875名律師任職於下列排名頭30位的律師事務所,當中包括766名合伙人和1848名受僱律師 [4] 。. 列表是根據律師事務所的受僱律師人數而非營利金額來進行排名,而 大 ...

    Hong Kong | RPC

    We act for clients locally, in China and across the Asia-Pacific region. We have strong relationships with some of the best local firms across Asia so that we are able to resolve issues for our clients wherever they may arise. You can find us at: 3504-06. 35/F One Taikoo Place. 979 King's Road. Quarry Bay. Hong Kong.

    | The Law Society of Hong Kong

    [email protected]: 行; 職 位: 顧問: 行 / 公 司 (英 文) REYNOLDS PORTER CHAMBERLAIN: 3504-06, 35/F, ONE TAIKOO PLACE, 979 KING'S ROAD, QUARRY BAY, HONG KONG: 香港 鰂魚涌英皇道979號 太古坊一座35樓3504-06室 電 話: 2216-7000: 傳 真: 2216-7001

    香港律師行指南 | The Law Society of Hong Kong


    找尋律師行 | The Law Society of Hong Kong

    本 指 南 之 出 版. 會 編 制 本 指 南, 藉 此 向 市 民 提 供 尋 求 法 律 服 務 及 相 關 行 的 資 訊。. 香 港 行 指 南 提 供 的 個 人 資 料, 不 可 用 於 其 他 非 直 接 相 關 的 目 的。. 根 據 《個 人 資 料 (私 隱) 條 例》, 在 未 取 得 ...

    RPC - Legal services, offices and more - Lawzana

    RPC. Hong Kong is at the cross-roads of the global business community. Our award-winning and leading lawyers have decades of experience acting for clients in Hong Kong, China and throughout the Asia-Pacific region. We have an excellent reputation for delivering top quality advice and client service on both contentious and non-contentious matters.


    Llinks Hong Kong and Shanghai Offices Jointly Advise Bright Future Technology Holdings Ltd. on Overseas Listing Follow-on Financing Project. Publications more+. 通力律师事务所有限法律责任合伙是一家执业领域包括金融、公司和商业的中国领先律师事务所.

    Hong Kong Law Firms | The Law Society of Hong Kong

    Hong Kong Law Firms. The Law List is published by the Law Society for the purpose of facilitating the public and members of the Law Society in identifying and locating solicitors, foreign lawyers and law firms registered with the Law Society. The personal data contained in The Law List should not be used for any other purposes.

    HK Lawyers 香港律師網

    常見問題. 香港評價最高的律師樓有哪些? 香港評價最高的律師樓包括傅德楨律師行, 黃向烈律師行, RPC, 吳伯仲律師行, YTL LLP等等。. 中環有甚麼律師樓? 位於中環的律師樓包括鍾錦棠大律師, 張世偉律師, 潘英賢大律師, 添訊移民, 週佩芳律師, 梁浩翹大律師, Perun Consultants Limited, 高大偉大律師, 文浩 ...

    黎智英國安法案件:香港修例限制聘用海外律師將造成什麼影響? - BBC News 中文

    不過,英國雷諾茲·波特·張伯倫律師事務所(Reynolds Porter Chamberlain; RPC)在香港的律師石俊禮(Antony Sassi)與施德偉(David Smyth)曾撰文指出,因著 ...

    首頁 - Kwok Yih & Chan - KYC law

    首頁 - Kwok Yih & Chan. 郭葉陳律師事務所 是一間充滿活力並以香港為基地的企業法律律師事務所。. 本所有著傑出的業績表現,具有廣博經驗及具備廣闊的國際視野,竭誠為客戶提供切合今時今日商務需要的優質法律服務。. 郭葉陳律師事務所 的律師及業務在多項 ...

    Rule 5.4: Professional Independence of a Lawyer - American Bar Association

    Law Firms And Associations. (a) A lawyer or law firm shall not share legal fees with a nonlawyer, except that: (1) an agreement by a lawyer with the lawyer's firm, partner, or associate may provide for the payment of money, over a reasonable period of time after the lawyer's death, to the lawyer's estate or to one or more specified persons;

    業內人士:香港證監會對虛擬資產交易平台「安全第一」的監管做法很有價值 - 0x財經

    香港RPC律師事務所合夥人Jonathan Crompton表示,香港證監會監管加密貨幣核心原則強調了投資者保護,要求虛擬資產市場參與者達到與傳統金融市場參與者相同的標準,交易所撤回牌照申請表明香港證監會不會不惜一切代價放任市場。

    法律服務提供者名單 | The Law Society of Hong Kong

    交流與聯繫. 律師會一直與本地和全球聯繫和交流,以便我們的會員與本地和國際間不同團體交流知識、分享經驗及合作。


    RPC 律師事務所合夥人 Jonathan Crompton 認為"本質上,JPEX詐騙案標誌著加密貨幣在香港受到監管是有意義的",這一案件將會成為香港加密貨幣市場走向監管與正規化的標誌事件。 對香港加密貨幣行業的影響分析. 行業信任的損害和市場反應

    董監高如何履行責任和­避免風險 - PressReader

    Smyth & CO.(RPC聯營律師事務所)合伙人饒詩傑在研討會­上表示,不同的企業面對不同地­域的法規,概念意識比較模糊,未能全面了解。舉例說,內地民營企業本來只受­一般商業法規約束,一旦來港上市,便需要重新適應中港兩­地規管上市公司的法規。

    黎智英国安法案件:香港修例限制聘用海外律师将造成什么影响? - BBC News 中文

    不过,英国雷诺兹·波特·张伯伦律师事务所(Reynolds Porter Chamberlain; RPC)在香港的律师石俊礼(Antony Sassi)与施德伟(David Smyth)曾撰文指出,因着 ...

    「假中本聰」案; COPA VS 克雷格·賴特 - 0x資訊

    代表 McCormack 的 RPC 律師事務所合伙人魯珀特·考珀-科爾斯 (Rupert Cowper-Coles) 分享了這一消息,他對儘管 Wright 多次嘗試上訴但判決保持不變表示滿意。 他說:「我們實際上才剛剛知道這件事,但去年年底,最高法院拒絕了克雷格·賴特的上訴。 所以他們很高興 ...