WIPO Domain Name Dispute Resolution Service for .UA

    2025-02-14 20:29

    Registration of .UA domain names is restricted. In the event of a transfer of the disputed domain name to the Complainant, the Complainant needs to meet the eligibility criteria for registration of second-level domain names (both at the time of filing the Complaint and at the time of the implementation of the decision) in accordance with ...

    ua drp

    UA-DRP Becomes Applicable to New Domain Zones | PETOŠEVIĆ

    The UA-DRP procedure cost is equal to the UDRP procedure cost and ranges from EUR 1,315 (USD 1,500) to EUR 4,385 (USD 5,000). The UDRP procedure usually lasts 60-75 days. When it entered into force on March 19, 2019, the UA-DRP was only applicable to second-level domain names in the .UA country-code top-level domain (ccTLD). On December 19 ...

    WIPO Temporarily Suspends UA-DRP Proceedings | PETOŠEVIĆ

    The UA-DRP administrative proceedings will resume once the martial law regime is lifted in Ukraine. The martial law, which was first introduced on February 24, 2022, currently remains effective until May 25, 2022. The UA-DRP is a domain name resolution mechanism similar to the UDRP (Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy). The ...

    Ukraine Adopts UA-DRP, Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy Similar to ...

    The UA-DRP Peculiarities. The UA-DRP is similar to the UDRP, but there are certain differences: It is sufficient that the complainant proves that either the registration or the use of the contested domain name is in bad faith, whereas the UDRP requires the complainant to prove both. While the UA-DRP procedure allows for the dispute to be ...

    The return of .UA dispute resolution - Hogan Lovells Engage

    The above-described modified rules for the UA-DRP will remain in force as long as martial law continues and for 90 days following its termination. In light of the above, any party seeking to recuperate a .UA domain name via the UA-DRP should be aware that the above-mentioned changes will add over a month to the time required to reach a decision ...

    Ukraine - Launch of the second phase of implementation of UA-DRP in the ...

    Starting from December 19, 2019, UA-DRP is also effective for the domains in the .com.ua zone Adminstrator of the cc TLD .UA and WIPO agreed on all the farmalities which preconditioned the second phase for implementation of UA-DRP in the .com.ua zone. Hostmaster Ltd, the Registry of country code top level domain .UA, and the World Intellectual ...

    ua'-DRP becomes applicable to new domain zones

    The '.ua' Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy is now applicable to several Ukrainian district-specific third-level domain zones - including '.kyiv.ua' and '.kiev.ua', the most popular Ukrainian regional domain zones.

    WIPO Resumes UA-DRP Proceedings - Lexology

    On July 1, 2023, the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center resumed its domain name dispute resolution services under the .UA Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UA-DRP) with certain adjustments ...

    UA-DRP Becomes Applicable to New Domain Zones - Lexology

    The UA-DRP is a domain name resolution mechanism similar to the UDRP (Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy). The proceedings are administered by the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center.

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    WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Centre issues first decision under UA-DRP

    Following the entry into force of the '.ua' Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy in March 2019, the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Centre has issued its first administrative panel decision in proceedings involving a '.ua' domain name.

    UA-DRP Becomes Applicable to <.COM.UA> Domain Names

    The domain name is registered or used in bad faith. The remedies available to the complainant are the domain name cancellation or its transfer to the complainant. The UA-DRP procedure cost is equal to the UDRP procedure cost and ranges from EUR 1,315 (USD 1,500) to EUR 4,385 (USD 5,000). The UDRP procedure usually lasts 60-75 days.

    WIPO Resumes UA-DRP Proceedings | PETOŠEVIĆ

    On July 1, 2023, the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center resumed its domain name dispute resolution services under the .UA Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UA-DRP) with certain adjustments in view of the martial law in Ukraine, currently in force until August 18, 2023.. Following its consultations with Ukrainian .UA domain operator Hostmaster, WIPO had suspended UA-DRP proceedings on ...

    UA-DRP pre-trial procedure - how to defend your right to a domain

    In general, the UA-DRP procedure itself is more simplified than a trial in the same commercial court. Read also: Scammers on Facebook - How to Protect Your Business Page from Theft. Why is UA-DRP better than court? Alternative dispute resolution methods, such as UA-DRP, always have their advantages over the classic court system.

    Ukraine: Strengthening Intellectual Property Protection In Ukraine - Mondaq

    Resumption of UA-DRP Procedure. After more than a year of suspension, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) issued a decision stating that the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center would resume accepting new UA-DRP filings and considering domain disputes under the UA-DRP procedure as of 1 July 2023. The reinstatement of the UA-DRP ...

    UA-DRP Becomes Applicable to <.COM.UA> Domain Names

    The .UA Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UA-DRP), which entered into force on March 19, 2019, became applicable to third-level domain name…

    WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center Issues First Decision under UA-DRP

    Following the entry into force of the .UA Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UA-DRP) on March 19, 2019, the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center, which administers the UA-DRP proceedings, recently issued its first Administrative Panel decision on a .UA domain name. A complaint was filed with the Center on April 10, 2019, and the Administrative Panel decision is dated July 7, 2019.

    Helios IP || WIPO Resumes UA DRP Proceedings

    WIPO Resumes UA DRP Proceedings On July 1, 2023, the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center resumed its domain name dispute resolution services under the .UA Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UA-DRP) with certain adjustments in view of the martial law in Ukraine, currently in force until August 18, 2023.

    WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center Issues First Decision under UA-DRP

    At the same time, a significant rise in the number of disputes is expected when the extension of the UA-DRP to third-level .UA domain names is approved, which is expected by the end of 2019.

    IP Protection in Ukraine during the Ongoing War | PETOŠEVIĆ

    On April 25, 2022, the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center announced that it had temporarily suspended its domain name dispute resolution services under the .UA Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UA-DRP) and that it will not accept any new .UA domain name registration requests until further notice. This decision was taken following WIPO ...

    Ukraine Adopts UA-DRP, Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy ... - Lexology

    Following negotiations with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) on the application of the Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution…

    WIPO Temporarily Suspends UA-DRP Proceedings - Lexology

    The UA-DRP is a domain name resolution mechanism similar to the UDRP (Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy). The proceedings are administered by the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center.