財務會計IFRS(第四版)(Weygandt) - 會計學 - 會計 | 書籍資訊 - 滄海書局‧鼎隆圖書‧滄海圖書資訊網站

    2024-12-15 07:06

    Jerry J. Weygandt - Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison Paul D. Kimmel - Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Donald E. Kieso - Northern Illinois Univ. 編譯者簡介 陳美娥 學歷:美國天普大學會計學研究所碩士 現職:銘傳大學會計學系兼任講師 謝宜樺 學歷:淡江大學管理科學研究所博士 現職:淡江大學會計 ...


    Financial Accounting with International Financial Reporting ... - Wiley

    Weygandt's fourth edition of Financial Accounting: IFRS highlights the integration of more US GAAP rules, a desired feature as more foreign companies find the United States to be their largest market. The highly anticipated new edition retains each of the key features (e.g. TOC, writing style, pedagogy, robust EOC) on which users of Weygandt ...

    Wiley Financial Accounting with International Financial Reporting ...

    Jerry J. Weygandt, Paul D. Kimmel, Donald E. Kieso E-Book 978-1-119-50340-8 August 2018 €46.99 Paperback 978-1-119-50430-6 August 2018 €71.30 DESCRIPTION While there is growing interest in IFRS within the US, interest outside the US has exploded. Weygandt's fourth edition of Financial Accounting: IFRS highlights the integration of more US ...

    Weygandt, Kimmel, Kieso: Financial Accounting with ... - Wiley

    Welcome to the Web site for Financial Accounting with International Financial Reporting Standards, 4th Edition by Jerry J. Weygandt, Paul D. Kimmel, Donald E. Kieso.This Web site gives you access to the rich tools and resources available for this text. You can access these resources in two ways:

    財務會計 IFRS (第四版) (Weygandt: Financial Accounting with International ...

    書名:財務會計 IFRS (第四版) (Weygandt: Financial Accounting with International Financial Reporting Standards, 4/e),ISBN:9867696239,作者:Jerry J. Weygandt , Paul D. Kimmel , Donald E. Kieso,出版社:CS滄海,出版日期:2018-07-01,分類:會計學 Accounting